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How Brazil’s New PAC (Growth Acceleration Program) Is Similar to Other Global Infrastructure Projects

Announced by President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, Brazil launches the “New PAC” (Growth Acceleration Program). A new version of its government plan aimed at boosting the country’s economic development and infrastructure, just like other countries around the world do.

As governments seek to strengthen their infrastructures to face the challenges of the 21st century such as growth and sustainability, it is worth highlighting how the “New PAC” intertwines with global trends, sharing goals, challenges and perspectives that transcend national borders.




What is in the “New PAC” of the Brazilian Government of Lula

The “New PAC” appears as a new version of the Growth Acceleration Program (PAC), a government plan in Brazil, which was announced by President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva on August 11, 2023. principally, to stimulate the country’s economic growth, through targeted investments in areas such as infrastructure, housing and sustainability with a budget of 1.7 trillion in Brazilian Reais, thereabout 2.6 million American dollars.

Taking a step back, the PAC, launched during Lula’s first presidential term in 2007, incorporated a wide range of projects focused on infrastructure.


The original PAC was intended to stimulate the economy through large public investments in fields that included transport, energy, housing, basic sanitation, health, education and other key sectors.

Its objective was not only to boost economic growth, but also to improve the population’s quality of life by providing essential services and adequate infrastructure.

The program was divided into several thematic axes, each one oriented to a specific sector of the economy and society. Such axes involved projects ranging from the construction of roads, railways, ports and airports to popular housing, sanitation projects, as well as investments in energy.

Over time, Lula has not escaped criticism regarding the execution and effectiveness of these initiatives, with questions ranging from delays, budget overruns, corruption, to the lack of transparency in certain sectors.

Despite the promises of the original PAC, it faced a number of notable challenges and criticisms, with the following aspects standing out:

Even with these challenges and criticisms, the PAC played an important role in the scenario of economic and social development in Brazil, promoting investments and transformations in several areas.

What are the main investments of the New PAC and how they are divided (focus on sustainability)

The projects were categorized into nine major areas, and also by state, each with its corresponding subdivisions:


Along with this, the Federal Government has committed to making the new edition of the program more attentive to environmental issues and the ecological transition.

How the Novo PAC intends to make partnerships between public and private investment to invest in infrastructure projects in Brazil

The New PAC aims to create partnerships between public and private investment to boost infrastructure projects in Brazil, since the State alone would not have enough resources to invest in the infrastructure that the country needs to develop.

These partnerships can be an effective way to mobilize financial resources, technical knowledge and agility in the execution of large-scale projects.

Here are some ways the New PAC can implement these partnerships:

Partnerships between public and private investment can be advantageous, as they allow the government to leverage the resources and expertise of the private sector, while sharing risks and responsibilities.

In addition to the contribution from the Federal Budget, the New PAC will rely on resources from state-owned companies, funding made available by public banks and contributions from the private sector, including concessions and public-private partnerships (PPPs).

The expectation is that the total amount of investments will reach the expressive mark of BRL 1.7 trillion, distributed in such a way as to comprise BRL 1.4 trillion in the period from 2023 to 2026 and BRL 0.3 trillion after the year 2026.

The projected distribution of resources comprises the following proportions:

It is worth mentioning that the global amount does not include an amount of up to R$80 billion, as proposed by the Ministry of Transport in relation to contractual renegotiations. This process is awaiting the approval of the Federal Court of Accounts (TCU) for the due homologation.

How the New Pac is similar to other major infrastructure projects in other countries around the world

The Brazilian “New PAC” has similarities with other large infrastructure projects in different countries around the world. The quest to boost economic growth, promote sustainability and attract investments through partnerships between the public and private sectors is a global trend.

I highlight below some examples of how the “New PAC” can resemble initiatives in other countries:

In general, these initiatives from different countries share the idea that investments in infrastructure can boost the economy, improve the quality of life of the population and promote environmental sustainability.

The potential geopolitical importance of the New Brazilian Pact

The New Brazilian PAC could become significantly important in geopolitics, especially in a global context where several powers are strengthening their infrastructures and industrialization policies.

While the private sector generally seeks profit opportunities, the role of the State with its more strategic long-term vision becomes crucial in conducting infrastructure investments that can boost economic growth on several fronts.

Infrastructure expansion not only generates jobs and stimulates direct economic activity, but also improves the country’s internal and external connectivity, attracting foreign investment and facilitating international trade.

This, in turn, can strengthen Brazil’s position as an attractive trading partner and a more influential voice in the international arena, facilitating multilateral agreements.

In addition, Brazil, as part of the BRICS (a group of emerging countries that includes Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa), could further strengthen the bloc, complementing the growth of other BRICS nations and providing a more balanced solid in the global geopolitical context.

However, it is important to note that the success of the New Brazilian Pact and its geopolitical influence will depend on the effectiveness of implementation and the efficient management of resources.

Furthermore, sustainability and consideration of environmental issues also play a vital role in this context, as the world increasingly turns to sustainable solutions in all spheres to fight climate change.

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