COP 28:  Success or Failure in the Climate Fight?

COP is a series of international meetings where leaders and negotiators from various countries gather with the objective of to seek global solutions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and address the impacts of climate change. COP28 took place in Dubai.

COP28: Results and Changes

Previously, there was talk of completely eliminating fossil fuels, but now, the results indicate a different approach: reducing and using these energy sources more responsibly.

COP28: Problems

the record number of “fossil fuel lobbyists” drew attention, casue it's can influence climate decisions, often to the detriment of communities most affected by the climate crisis.

COP29: Expectations

COP29 will be in Azerbaijan and is a crucial opportunity to address complex issues such as energy transition and technologies to mitigate climate change

Importance of COP

The decisions made by COPs are crucial for the future of human survival, shaping the planet’s future in the face of climate change, which has the following consequences:

Greenhouse Effect  Global Warming Impact on Climate Conditions Melting Ice  Sea Level Rise Biodiversity Loss Long-Term Supply Lack Social Differences