The Role of the OPCW in Prohibiting Chemical Weapons

What is the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons?

Is a global team that formed to prevent the production, use, and storage of chemical weapons through the Chemical Weapons Convention in 1997.  Each country decides whether or not to become a member and adhere to the commitments established by the Convention and OPCW regulations.

opcw's main goals

Ban on chemical weapons Verification and control Assistance and protection International cooperation Peaceful use of chemistry

What are the punishments for countries that use chemical weapons?

Economic sanctions Diplomatic isolation Political pressure International accountability

Why is the OPCw important

The OPCW works to maintain global security and protect human rights, even in deplorable situations like wars.  In recognition of these efforts, in 2013, the Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to the organization due to its significant efforts in eliminating chemical weapons.  However, OPCW faces is that there is no central world authority to ensure that the rules against the use of chemical weapons are followed.

to know more about the historical context of opcw, read on: