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Standardize to Dominate: the Geopolitical Importance of Establishing Global Standards in Technology and Other Areas

In the era of the digital revolution, where technology plays a central role in all aspects of society, the issue of digital standards emerges as a crucial geopolitical element.

The geopolitical importance of establishing global standards highlights not only its relevance in the technological field, but also its influence in several other areas, from trade and health to national security and human rights, making this a fact to be analyzed from a comprehensive view of the geopolitical role played by digital standards in the configuration of the contemporary digital world.



What are digital standards and how are they established?

Digital standards are like rules that help create technologies. They ensure that different devices and software can work together optimally. Here are some reasons why these standards are so important:


How global digital standards are established:

In short, digital standards are like rules that help create better, safer and more efficient technologies. They are key to driving innovation and improving digital progress in various areas.

China’s growing influence on international digital standards

Amid the constant changes of the digital revolution, China appears to be a prominent actor, not only in the production of technology, but also in defining digital standards.

This influence manifests itself in standards-shaping International Organizations, such as the International Telecommunications Union (ITU) and the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP). In these forums, the active participation of Chinese companies, such as Huawei, has been notable. The Chinese presence is strategic and raises questions about how this could impact the technology market, given the competition with the United States and the European Union.

An example of this was the race for dominance in the implementation of 5G technology. This “geopolitical moment” in the digital transition highlights not only technological competition, but also the battle for regulatory influence, just as the European Union has the ability to spread Regulatory Frameworks around the world.

China’s role in setting standards for facial recognition and surveillance technologies is also in focus. His leadership of bodies such as the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) raises concerns about the balance between technological innovation and individual rights.

This is because the Beijing government has been criticized for state control and surveillance, lack of transparency and potential misuse of data.

Digital Standardization as Bargaining Power and “Carrot and Stick” Strategy in Geopolitical Relations

The intense competition between global powers such as the United States, China and the European Union, for control of digital standards, transcends the technological field, influencing geopolitical dynamics in a world where standardization represents power.

The race to establish standards is not limited to technology; has become an influential strategy where nations realize that dictating these standards not only boosts their industries but leaves a lasting mark on the world stage.

In this context, the concept of Soft Power, the subtle ability that countries may have to influence other countries or regions without resorting to direct military or economic forces, comes into action. Those who set the standards have the benefit of guiding technological innovation and influencing geopolitical relations in favor of their visions and interests.

As mentioned, China is emerging as a power in this dispute, not only dominating technologically, but seeking to establish a global voice of impact.

This quest represents a crucial confrontation in terms of global influence, challenging the central role that the United States has historically played in defining technological standards, giving it commercial advantages and a prominent position in global geopolitics.

The European Union, for its part, adopts a consumer-centric approach to data protection, aligning its standards with its fundamental values. For the EU, which already dominates the standards of regulatory frameworks, this competition transcends the commercial sphere, being an initiative to shape a digital future that reflects its priorities and concerns.

As an example, these are some ways in which “Carrot and Stick” can be used in geopolitical relations:


8 Other Areas That Can Be Affected by the Establishment of Global Standards

The establishment of global standards is not limited only to technology but is a crucial strategy in various other areas. Here are some examples where standardization plays an important role from a geopolitical perspective:

  1. Trade and Economy: Standards related to trade norms, product quality, and manufacturing processes directly impact international trade. Countries that influence these standards can exert considerable power over global supply chains. An example is the ISO 9000 standard, which sets criteria for quality management systems in organizations of all sectors and sizes. ISO 9000 certification indicates that a company follows rigorous quality standards in its manufacturing and management processes, ensuring consistency and reliability of its products.
  2. Health and Well-being: Standards in the pharmaceutical industry, medical practices, food regulations, and food safety are areas where standards can affect global health. Countries that dictate these standards can influence the acceptance of their products and practices. A global example is the role of the World Health Organization (WHO) in setting standards and guidelines for medical practices and public health regulations. WHO establishes international standards for disease control, vaccination, food safety, and other global health issues.
  3. Environment and Sustainability: Standards related to emissions, energy efficiency, waste management, and sustainable practices have significant implications for the environment. Countries that lead in defining these standards can shape the global sustainability agenda. The Kyoto Protocol is an example of an international standard that sets goals for reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Countries adhering to these standards contribute to global efforts to mitigate climate change and influence the global sustainability agenda.
  4. Education and Professional Qualifications: An additional example is the European Union’s (EU) European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS), which establishes standards for the recognition of academic and professional qualifications among EU member countries. This system facilitates the mobility of students and professionals among EU countries, ensuring that their qualifications are recognized and accepted throughout the European Union.
  5. Legal Standards and Human Rights: In the legal and human rights field, standards related to justice, protection of individual rights, and ethical norms can be established internationally. Countries playing an active role in these areas shape the global perception of justice and rights. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights is an example of an international standard that establishes basic principles of justice and human rights. Countries adopting and promoting these standards influence the global perception of individual rights and government accountability.
  6. Telecommunications and Infrastructure: Standards in telecommunications, communication networks, and infrastructure are critical for global connectivity. Countries or companies that lead in defining these standards can exert influence over the expansion of digital infrastructure worldwide. The Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM) standard is widely adopted in mobile telephony worldwide. Countries and companies that have contributed to the development and adoption of this standard influence the expansion of global mobile communication infrastructure.
  7. Transportation and Logistics: Standards in transportation, logistics, and safety regulations have implications for global trade and the movement of goods. Countries that influence these standards can determine the conditions of international transportation. The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) sets standards for safety and regulation of international civil aviation. Countries adhering to these standards contribute to the safety and efficiency of global air transportation.
  8. Cybersecurity and Information Security: Standards related to cybersecurity, data protection, and information security practices are crucial in the digital age. Countries that establish standards in this field can influence global security in the digital sphere. The Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) defines requirements to protect payment card information against theft and fraud. Companies adhering to this standard contribute to the global security of online financial transactions.

These areas represent just a sample of the many in which standardization plays a fundamental role, highlighting the diversity of sectors in which standards can be employed as geopolitical tools.

Why Is Mastery of Digital Standardization Important for Geopolitics?

In addition to bargaining power and influence over other countries, standardization in general has several other significant geopolitical consequences. Countries or blocs that establish digital standards can strengthen their position on the global stage, securing a competitive advantage in key sectors such as artificial intelligence, 5G, cybersecurity, among others.

This control also provides significant economic advantages for local companies, as they do not need to invest financial resources in adapting to new standards, unlike foreign companies that may face additional costs to comply or even have to import technology to meet the requirements of established standards.

On the other hand, a lack of consensus in standardization can lead to a digital divide, where different regions adopt incompatible standards, creating trade barriers and hindering global interoperability.

Additionally, countries that lead in defining standards have greater influence over the direction of global technological innovation and the economy as a whole, driving economic development and influencing areas such as digital ethics, privacy, and security.

Digital standardization can also impact information control and global surveillance, raising questions about privacy and data governance. Reflecting cultural values and norms, digital standards can be a tool for exporting cultural perspectives and influencing how technology is used in different parts of the world.

National security and cybersecurity are also areas where digital standards play a crucial role, providing advantages in terms of protection against cyber threats and ensuring the integrity of sensitive systems such as government ones.

In conclusion, these consequences highlight the complexity and breadth of the geopolitical impact associated with digital standardization, extending far beyond purely technological considerations.

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