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Atlas Report is an online geopolitical analysis portal dedicated to providing the public with engaging and analytical coverage of global issues. Therefore, if you work or have knowledge in the areas of International Relations, Political Science, International Journalism, Energy Security and/or related areas, this is your opportunity to publish an article on our website.

We will accept articles on various topics that have an impact on the international scene, such as:

  • Domestic and Foreign Policy
  • Macroeconomics
  • Fossil Energies
  • Renewable energy
  • Security and Defense

In addition, we will accept special topics relevant to geopolitics such as:

  • Technology
  • Space race
  • Artificial intelligence

By having your article approved and published on our platform, which is constantly growing, you will have benefits such as: visibility of your text, greater possibility of collaborations and greater professional appreciation.

Requirements to have your article published:

  • Unique content that has never been published elsewhere or is not being republished;
  • We do not accept content made by artificial intelligence;
  • The text must be between 1,200 and 2,000 words;
  • Use subheadings that arouse the reader’s curiosity;
  • Add an image related to the topic, from a copyright-free image bank to be published alongside your article;
  • A summary on the topic with a maximum of 100 words.

Note: The content may be edited by us in minor ways to suit the language used on the site. In addition, grammar correction, adequacy of titles and subtitles may occur. The article will also be translated into the Portuguese language and published on our website for audience from Portuguese-speaking countries:

Would you like to publish? Fill out the contact form at the link below and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible!