Does Kenya’s Peace and Security Mission in Haiti Have a Chance of Success?


In October 2023, the UN Security Council approved the creation of the Multinational Security Support Mission for Haiti, which was approved with 13 votes in favor. The text's main purpose is to restore law and order, which has reached a critical state following the worsening of civil conflicts and gang violence.

What is the Multinational Security Support Mission (MSS)?

UNMIH (United Nations Mission in Haiti) from 1993 to 1996 MINUSTAH (United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti) from 2004 to 2017 MINUJUSTH (United Nations Justice Support Mission in Haiti) from 2017 to 2019 BINUH (United Nations Integrated Office in Haiti) from 2019

History of security and peace missions in Haiti

Advantages of Kenya's new mission in Haiti

For the first time, the mission is led by an African country. Haiti is a country with a large African descent; A successful mission can bring a reduction in violence; The mission can bring support and collaboration with the local judicial and police system; A positive mission can bring prestige to Kenya; First peacekeeping mission led by an African country.

Drawbacks of Kenya's new mission in Haiti

Kenya does not speak French; Kenya does not yet have the best financial power and troops; The Kenyan people have been struggling with excessive tax increases and a wave of protests against the liberal government of President William Ruto have been taking place in the country; There is concern about possible abuse of power by the troops sent on the mission.

What are the real chances of the mission's success?

É preciso uma missão de longo prazo e com muito planejamento para que ela seja eficaz em manter a paz e estabilidade política do país e, ao mesmo tempo, não causar a insatisfação dos cidadãos com a violência e repressão política que ocorreram no passado.

The Atlas Report

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